Rilsina Pegado



Rilsina Pegado


Sania Mirza in conversation with her son

Sania Mirza in conversation with her son

1 min

So Izhaan, this being your 10th birthday what gift do you want?

'Mom, I need an answer, why is my surname a combination of yours and dad's, why do we keep traveling between India, Pakistan and Dubai? '

Some situations are hard to explain, but to make it simple for you, Humans though close by heart are divided with boundaries, one such boundary is that of a country. Your dad and I, belong to different countries, We both love our own country and respect others country. There are lot of legal and political ascepts involved when it comes to nationality, so I am an Indian national, your dad a Pakistani nation and you have the nationally of UAE.

There have been lot of disputes and controversy when it came to our marriage and we wanted you to be safe from all that and so we gave you both surnames and a different nationality.

" But Mom, how does this all even matter, I have been to both countries, people both places are so alike, loving, caring. What's the reason of the fight"

I would love to explain it to you but some other day, for now just remember, being human and showing humanity matters most. Countries divide us but we are united by emotions.

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