Radha Prathi

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Radha Prathi

Drama Tragedy Inspirational

Spirit Of A Dreamer

Spirit Of A Dreamer

3 mins

A bold and confident teenager from a rural background wanted me to help her with English and Mathematics. I asked the young lass to take a basic test, to gauge her level. She took it up enthusiastically and finished it in a flash. Evaluation of her answer script proved to be a breeze because there was nothing much to correct.

I realised that I had to begin at the very beginning if she had to show any academic progress. I told her as much and she approved of my plans for her. Soon, I discovered that she had no inclination to grapple with the nuances of grammar or the yearning to learn her spellings. Yet, she knew the gist of all the prose and poetry pieces in her prescribed text because she had read them all in the vernacular version of her guide book. She could carry on a conversation or write in the Queen’s language without feeling self conscious about her errors.

Mathematics was no different story. She cared two hoots for the methodology of the subject. She would simply glance at the answer and manipulate her numbers to arrive at it without following any particular rule.

She once wrote a long endearing letter to me in Kannada in which she expressed her dream of becoming a doctor.

I tried to impress upon her that there is no shortcut to success. The young woman nodded her head roundly, as usual but was disillusioned by my demands. She lived in a world of instant gratification.

She was a bright child blinded by the mirage of success. Clearly, she had no patience for me or my long winded methods. She did not believe in taking one step at a time.

Soon, we parted ways.

 She worked her way out of the academic maze in her characteristic manner with a little help from well wishers and went on to enjoy her vacation. Though no one was quite sure if she had even understood the question papers, she seemed cocksure of her performance.

One day she went to swim in the village tank. She inadvertently slipped down the mossy steps.  She succumbed to the treacherous waters. She wooed Death with her signature style, without tarrying to experience the vagaries of life. To her, arriving at the goal post in her unique way was all that mattered, even in passing away.

The news shocked me. The unfairness of her demise bothered me. I saluted the young lady’s unfettered spirit which shunned the shackles of conformity academically or otherwise. She taught me, the importance of being oneself. It is not necessary to be apologetic or ashamed about one’s shortcomings whatever they may be. She had just proved that being a dreamer like her could actually be a challenge to pragmatic people like us.


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