Children Stories Drama Inspirational



Children Stories Drama Inspirational

Stole The Heart

Stole The Heart

3 mins


Radha was searching everywhere in the house and in that process had sifted the entire house but could not find the object of her focus. She was muttering within herself and was inaudible. Her husband was surprised by her behaviour which was contrary to her usual composed persona. He gently asked her,” what’s the matter Radha, what have you misplaced or lost.” Radha replied, still with a distracted look on her face and eyes searching,” I can’t find my book, Alice in wonderland. Two days ago I was reading it for the boys, our Raghu, and two of his friends. Where ever It got misplaced, I can’t find it. This never happens in our house. Moreover, it is a book. Nothing very valuable. “Her casual words made her think again. “ Was that book not of any value? Indeed it was priceless. It was gifted by a close friend in school when she moved out to another city. They were sad to part and the book was very dear to her. She had preserved it for more than 25 years now.” She reminded herself.

Raghu and his friends also joined the search. The boys were having a vacation and Radha was reading stories for them or making them read stories aloud taking turns so that they develop the habit of reading. Reading is one of the habits fast disappearing in children these days and she wanted to prevent this as much as she could. Raghu also was sad that the book was not to be found. It was a hard-covered bound book with a very colourful and attractive cover. His friends Ram and Ravi were also fond of the book and particularly Ravi was fascinated by its looks. After a while, the boys got distracted from the search and went away to play. Radha also gained her composure and was reflecting on the events in the recent past. Somewhere she had a feeling that Ravi could have taken it. She remembered how he was drawn to that book and looked at it fondly. She had an Idea.

After three days there was a parcel delivered from Amazon when the three boys and Radha were sitting in the living room reading a book as usual. The boys were curious and watched eagerly as Radha opened the parcel. It had three copies of Alice in wonderland's hardcover book! Without any words, Radha signed each book with a small message and said,” this is a gift from me to three of you this summer. This is for you to remember the experience during this vacation and it will be there with you for posterity.” Then she told them about her own lost book and explained its importance of it to her.

Suddenly she noticed that Ravi was very sad and hesitantly he came near her and admitted to having taken Radha’s old book. He said,” I am sorry Aunty, I liked the book so much that I could not help taking it. I now understand its value for you .” Having said this, he ran to his home and brought back the old book and gave it to Radha. She hugged the boy tightly and overwhelmed by the affection she said, ”Firstly, Ravi it is most difficult to accept one’s mistakes. It needs a lot of courage and you did it. With this, you stole my heart, Ravi. I truly appreciate that. It is normal for small children to try to possess what attracts them. But remember, stealing would always make you unhappy and guilty. I hope you three have learned the lesson from this incident.” What Ravi did was beyond her expectation. She was very happy that Ravi chose the correct yet difficult path.

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