Zishan Ahmad

Thriller Drama


Zishan Ahmad

Thriller Drama

The 20th Floor

The 20th Floor

3 mins

A boy named Paresh shifts to a new flat on the 20th floor of a building in society.

Phone rings.....

Paresh: Hello Dude! What's up?

Friend: Bhai (Brother) All good! but where are you yet? I have been waiting for you...

Paresh: Fucker, I have shifted. I am all alone.

Friend: Oh Fool! how you can forget? Tomorrow is Neha's Birthday...

Paresh: Ooo lose brain, I had told you I am shifting... how can you forget....???

Friend: Why not...? lol... you would have called me for carrying your luggage... and listen when shifting will be completed send me your address, we will have vodka together... and will enjoy the nights there...

Paresh: No, It's a classy society, 20th floor, fresh air, open environment, heaven view in the night...

you will not be getting even a guard job here...

ok... meet you tonight at community club...bye...

Friend: ok bye... see you there...

After taking a shower and wearing party clothes full of perfumes, Paresh comes down from 20th to ground floor...

"Auto" hands Paresh... (Boarded the auto) and reaches the club where they both planned to meet...

(Paresh entered the club where different colors lighting, music with soft noise and dancing couples, people drinking and smoking...)

Friend: Hey! boy!... (Holding a glass of vodka and sitting on the table...)

Paresh: Oh dude... started before my arriving, 

        "One vodka with coconut water." Paresh orders...

        Both cheers...( gently raised their glass)

"Hey, Paresh! Hi!"... (a girl meets Paresh in the club...) 

"What's up? Seeing you after a long time..." Paresh says.

"Yeah... " ( says, girl)

"My drink please, thank you!" the girl said to the waiter.

"Paresh I will be back... see you" ...(the girl said ) 

Paresh: ok see you... enjoy...

"I am missing my ex-girlfriend"... said Paresh to his friend.

"Match her a call," said his friend.

Paresh: Sure?

Friend: "Haan Bhai( Yes bro)...100%.

Paresh: "Phansa to nahi raha? (Aren't you trapping me?)".

Paresh: "Ok fine,...( putting his hand in the back pocket, front pocket, shirt's pocket for his phone...)

"Match her a call," friend asked...

"Yaar where is my phone"...said Paresh.

and started searching for his phone here and there...

Friend: "Leave it is just a phone. Don't panic."

Paresh: " How can I leave it? It has everything."




Friend: "Ok, Let me call on your phone."

 Friend: "It's ringing ..."

Paresh: "On its speaker"

Call disconnected.

Friend: " Trying again..."

Paresh: "Give me..."

Call received.

Paresh: "Hello!... Hello..."

HellOoo... HellOoo... (terrible female voice from the phone)

Paresh: " Hello Madam, this is, this is my phone..." 

"Haan tumhara phone hai to aaker lejao..." ( this time sound with an echo and threatening)

And the call gets disconnected...

"The number are you calling is switched off" ( Paresh tried again)

Paresh: "Oh shit! She switched it off..."

Ok, bro, I am leaving now...

Paresh left the club and came back to his residence. The clock hand showed 1 am. He opened the room and sat on the sofa without switching the light on... (The gloming dome of light over the city can be seen from Paresh balcony...)

Suddenly the phone vibrated as bhmm... bhmm...

It was the phone of Paresh for which he was wandering...

Paresh became terrified and lost his conscience.

More than a year has passed, the paranormal incident increased in the flat and society decided to seal the 20th floor.

Neighbors quoted "A laugh can still be heard at midnight."

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