



The Dream

The Dream

3 mins

It’s the story of a girl who is growing up as everyone says and each year passes by with people wishing her happy birthday in tunes of unmatched variations but they sing the same song of happy birthday every year forgetting how to sing in unison with notes not matching and lines are forgotten and repeated words urging her to sing along as she sings a different tune that matches only hers idea of her dreams and opinions of the life to come, yes she is growing up trying to adapt herself to the opinions of others.

As days passed by and her tender feet oblivious of the roads traversed in hours and days of her childhood experiences nurtured in the happy realms of her parent's nest grew into confident feet hardened enough to traverse the comparatively rough terrain of the outer world, she was married off to a boy who stood nowhere in the equation of life that she solved with ease in her mind and the unplanned variable became a planned one that she needed to accommodate in her urge to balance she went on solving and life too went on serving her more that she solved but with answers that she never imagined. It was all fine and lifelike the six seasons of a year changed accordingly in time and pattern and as she went on watching and experiencing a day came in winter she felt life inside her own life embracing the warmth of her womb and she knew it was time to welcome a little one into her cozy nest.

She was overjoyed and restless too as the wait seemed too long but the day came when she was not alone in her thoughts but a little angel with her tiny little heart was lying beside her and the feelings of euphoria that flooded her entire body got reflected in her eyes that stared into the blank space above and beyond what she imagined and the heavenly feeling that came with the realization of being a Mother changed her world in an unexplained way that she never felt like the before-a world of joy, responsibility, and selflessness!

New dawn comes in every life and it came in her life too slowly followed by bright morning sky and the bright light was so beautiful with the unclouded blue sky above that she forgot about the future days and one day she saw the dark sky above and it dawned on her that time was to stay indoors with her near and dear ones as nature was in no mood to show compassion or shower mercy over her -Frightened as she was she closed her eyes to the reality and her eyes heavy with sleep fell into a deep slumber with the memories of bygone days put to rest only to be restored in the happiness of life that was still clear and fresh in her thoughts and in her sleep she dreams of a new horizon -a horizon of new ideas new memories and new life!

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