Ashly Paul



Ashly Paul


The Exam Hall

The Exam Hall

3 mins

“Are you here to cheat during the exam?” , roared the examiner.

“But ma'am, I just asked for a pen”, replied Nikhil.

“So you came to the exam hall for a DJ party, huh?”

“No ma' am. I lost it while rushing towards the hall. It was in my pocket.”

“I think it didn't see much use in the hands of a loser like you. If you don't have a pen then don't write.”

“Ma'am. He is right. He was running towards the hall and I saw his pen falling out but due to the rush of students, I couldn't tell him.”

Nikhil turned back as he heard the sweet voice of an unknown girl. It was Neha. They were strangers united in the exam hall by the pressure of their parents to give an entrance exam.

She stood up to hand over the extra pen she had. “See you outside after the exam,” she whispered.

Nikhil waited at the main gate to find her but she was lost in the river of candidates.

“So how was your exam?” Nikhil suddenly turned as someone tapped his shoulder.

“Oh! my God. Youuu. I thought I had lost you," he exclaimed as he saw Neha smiling at him.

“The exam was easy and thank you for saving me. Here is your pen. How was yours?”

“It's complicated.” She replied.

“But I didn't ask your relationship status in FB!”

“Oh! so Mr.Brain knows jokes too.”

“Hehe, but I was serious…”


“Ok. I guess I haven't asked your name! I am Nikhil.”

“I am Neha.”

“My bus will come soon.”

“That's sad”, replied Neha. Both stared at each other for a few seconds.

“I have to go. My bus has come,” said Nikhil though his legs disagreed and were glued to the bus stop.

“Yeah. Okay. Hope to have this co-incidence once again!” , replied Neha as she saw Nikhil boarding the bus.

Neha was lost in her thoughts, memorizing Nikhil in a crisp sky-blue shirt, who had tussled hair, round spectacles and was smiling idiotically at her.

She laughed as the waves of pleasure hit her. “Everything is over, Neha. You won't ever see him again.

“Hey!” Neha saw Nikhil running towards her.

“Nikhil….” With a throbbing heart, she yelled his name but only a small wheeze came out from her mouth as she was stunned.

“The conductor was stubborn and did not stop the bus. So I used my fingers to blow a whistle like this." He imitated, panting heavily.

“But..but..” Words flew above her. Her pounding heart seemed to break out.

“You know, I thought why should we bother 'hope' when we can do it ourself..So can I get your..” Nikhil was about to ask something.

“Yep, this is my number", after writing her number on a piece of paper she handed over it to him, blushing.

“Woah! I thought of FB id. But it's fine.”

“So friends?”


“See you soon.”

Maybe it was something more than just a friendship, there was just a different tingling inside the hearts!

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