Drama Horror Fantasy



Drama Horror Fantasy

The Graveyard

The Graveyard

2 mins

Manish and Sultan embarked upon a journey to the west in order to find their dream job in the city of dreams, Mumbai. They belong to the small town of Osian in the Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. Many of you must have never even heard of this town. Both these friends reached Mumbai at 9 pm and ate at the local stalls near the railway station.

It was already 10 PM and they did not know anyone in Mumbai. They also did not have enough money to book a hotel. So both of them decided to spend the night in the local graveyard nearby as no one would visit there at night and as both of them would be together, so they would be safe. However they had heard ghost stories and paranormal activity regarding spooky locations like the graveyard. But they gathered up courage and went there. As they were tired, they both fell asleep.

Now suddenly Sultan woke up and heard some voices at a distance. He woke Manish and both of them went to see. They saw some people in a white dress talking about something. They wore white gowns and seemed strange. Suddenly it struck Manish that they must be ghosts and he pulled Sultan by hand and they started  running.The horror stories about the graveyard seemed to be true.

After going some distance, a thief caught them. He showed a knife and took away the little cash which they had. They were heartbroken. But however, they were happy that they were still safe.

Then they went a little further and sat at a bench in a small park. There they saw some anti-socials drinking alcohol and smoking. They seemed to be in the influence of alcohol and gambling. They left the spot.

Little further they went and met a night watchman patrolling. He advised them to follow him and took them to his cabin. There they both fell asleep. Suddenly they heard a commotion. A building nearby had caught fire and there was the loud siren of the fire brigade  and people were screaming. They both also tried to help in the best way possible.

By the time everything was under control, it was already morning. Then Manish heard the voice of Sultan asking him to get up as they have to get ready and go out to look for a job. 

At first, Manish could not understand anything as he was already awake. Then he opened his eyes and realized that he was dreaming all the while!

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