Sai Chander

Fantasy Inspirational Thriller


Sai Chander

Fantasy Inspirational Thriller

The Past Future

The Past Future

6 mins

The story is about setting things straight by a responsible set of clans. A person who can predict the future, a clan who has the capability to preserve and send messages at the appropriate time, and a clan who can use both their capacities to prevent unforeseen calamities yet to happen and try to avoid them.

The story starts with a Sadhu meditating near Konark temple and had a cold shiver and woken up and was having seizures and dying. A farmer named Linga Raju in their mid-30s has completed his daily irrigation work and was passing by and listened to the Sadhu murmurs. He came near Sadhu, started doing some CPR like handing a stone to the Sadhu and massaging his hands and legs. This seems to be not sufficient to awake the Sadhu from Seizures. He sees a Shanku at the Sadhu place and started playing it. This Shanku has the capacity to play sound till 10 km. Since its era of the 1700s, where technology was not yet invented, this voice could reach beyond 10 km easily as there were no disturbing sounds in between then. A 17-year-old kid named Raghu Ram who is also an expert in Ayurveda listened to it and found it a strange emergency call. He could understand that the sound is coming from at least 5 km away and he has to leave immediately to get there. He understood the situation and took a box of medicines on a horse to the Konark temple. Within 5 minutes he could reach there and started using his Ayur leaves to treat the Sadhu. The Sadhu gained consciousness and thanked both of them.

After a brief introduction, Raghu Ram got suspicious of the whereabouts of the Sadhu since he never saw the Sadhu nearby place before. So, he started asking questions. Sadhu instead of replying asks which year it is, both Linga Raju and Raghu Ram were confused with the question and said it is 1731. Sadhu broke into tears and said it's already too late I woke up now, I was in meditation for the past 200 years. I went into hibernation mode at the age of 12 in these rocks and I got access to reach different places such as Vishnu Loka, Bramha Loka, and Shiva Loka. Raghu Ram did not believe it since he appeared only mid-30s and asked where did you come from. Sadhu said my father and mother were belonging to the Brahmin family, we had a cow and some farming place nearby. His name was Sri Ranga and he was head of the village at that time. Raghu Ram was surprised because the village he is living in is named after Sri Ranga and it was named nearly 200 years ago based on a Scholar and Head of the village. The story Sadhu saying matches because Raghu Ram's grandfather said that Sri Ranga was a great scholar and his kid was missing at the early age of 12 and since then he was so depressed and family members have died miserably due to the loss of a son. The village people got emotional and changed their village name to Sri Ranga due to the donations and development activities made.

Now Raghu Ram got some more questions like why do appear as if you are in your mid-30s and you claim to be 200 years old and why do you keep saying it's already too late. Then Sadhu started answering his questions. Since he was in rocks he gained a supernatural gift in those rocks and was able to visit different places while in a coma. He could visit Vishnu Loka and I see a bright light over there which gave me the power to gain through time. So, I started seeing what could be the future of Earth, there is too much violence happening and yet to happen. As I see a lot of important architectures and machines were already destroyed by now I still see some important machines and architectures are preserved hidden just like I was preserved in those rocks hidden. Those rocks have a unique nature and as such there are multiple places on earth hidden and I was able to find some in different parts of the world. Now I am aware of the complete Globe and the places, cultures, violence taking place and about to take place. Since I am already late I can only help in avoiding some important calamities in future with the help of you people.

Linga Raju although he did not understand things completely he wanted to keep listening since they were pleased to hear. Raghu Ram was completely in sync with the Sadhu and started noting things in a book of calamities about to happen in the future. They spent days and months getting the important information from Sadhu. The Sadhu used to sleep 17 hours a day and when he woke up he used to provide information and one day he never woke up.

Raghu Ram has started investigating the first scenario which is about to happen in the next two months. To avoid calamity, he needs to get prepared. The calamity is about to happen in the nearby capital city and the war is between a Raja and Mughal. Sadhu said Raja will lose the war and all the people will lose their lives and livelihood. To avoid this Raghu Ram started investigating what the Muslim ruler is up to and what will be his next move. Based on the situation he was able to find that the Muslim Ruler was not interested in war but wanted to have a casual meeting for business purposes. But the messenger misinterpreted and used harsh words in his letter and the letter includes a threat to leave the country. This would be very offensive and would declare war. To avoid the situation Raghu Ram and Linga Raju managed to find the Messenger and killed him in an isolated area and buried him before he reaches Raja. This avoided a very grave war and losses.

Now, Raghu Ram and Linga Raju are on a mission to avoid future troubles by using this book as a guide. They have 2000 years of data in it and we're thinking they could only live up to the next 40 or 50 years maximum and how to avoid future calamities after they passed away. So, they have decided to raise their families and pass this book information to their future kids once they reach a time where they are eligible to have it. And both these families have blessings of god that their kids will always get inspired to follow the book and avoid calamities and terrorism activities.

-----Rest of the story will be resumed, which includes many adventures such as saving people in World Wars, communicating with Bose, Bhagat SIngh, Alluri, Komaram Bheem, and many more future events will be included. Both these clans have always tried to provide support in causing good future for India as well as other countries. ---

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