Adhithya Sakthivel

Others Action Romance


Adhithya Sakthivel

Others Action Romance



12 mins

Note: This story is based on multiples of true events that occurred in India. It consists of 2016 Uri Attack, 2016 Indian Line of Control strike, Inter-Counter Insurgency Operation and 2008 Operation Black Tornado respectively. I initially wanted to title this as, "The True Love." But, I changed the title as "The Surgical Strike" due to my father's wish to change the story's title.

According to the Bhagavad Gita (chapter 17, verse 15), our speech must have four important characteristics: "it should not agitate, it should be truthful, it should be pleasant and it should be beneficial to the listener and motivated solely by a sense of welfare of those to whom it is addressed." 

18 SEPTEMBER 2016, 5:30 AM IST: 

At around 5:30 AM on 18 September, four terrorists attacked an Indian Army brigade headquarters in Uri, near the Line of Control in a pre-dawn ambush. They were said to have lobbed 17 grenades in three minutes. As a rear administrative base camp with tents caught fire, 17 army personnel were killed during the attack. An additional 19-30 soldiers were reported to have been injured. A gun battle ensued lasting six hours, during which all the four militants were killed. Combing operations continued to flush out additional terrorists thought to be alive.

Most of the soldiers killed were from the 10th battalion, Dogra Regiment (10 Dogra) and 6th battalion, Bihar Regiment (6 Bihar). One of the injured soldiers succumbed to his injuries on 19 September at RR Hospital in New Delhi, followed by another soldier on 24 September, bringing the death toll to 19.

The casualties were primarily believed to have occurred as a result of non-fire retardant transition tents. This was the time of a troops shift, whereby troops from 6 Bihar were replacing troops from 10 Dogra. The incoming troops were housed in tents, which are normally avoided in sensitive areas around the LoC like Uri. The attackers snuck into the camp breaching heavy security and seemed to know exactly where to strike. Seven of the personnel killed were support staff, including cooks and barbers.

19 SEPTEMBER 2016: 

On 19 September, Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, Chief of the Army Staff Dalbir Singh, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and other officials of the Home and Defence ministries met to review the security situation in Kashmir, particularly in areas along the Line of Control. The National Investigation Agency filed a first information report regarding the attack and took over the investigation from Jammu and Kashmir Police on 20 September.

Pakistan International Airlines cancelled flights to some parts of Kashmir on 21 September in the aftermath of the attack. Security around the army installation in Uri was intensified following the attack, while soldiers on both the Indian and Pakistani side of Line of Control were placed on high alert.


Eleven days after the attacks, a meeting had been held between Ministers and Indian Army officers. As per the talks, Indian Army sends Major Varun Krishna, a Para SF officer and his unit. They infiltrate and attack the Northeastern militants, additionally killing the key leader responsible for the ambush as per the orders of Lieutnant General Ranveer Singh.

Following the successful strike, Prime Minister congratulates him and the whole unit at a formal dinner. Varun then requests for a two-months leave in his office. Because, he wanted to meet and talk terms with his estranged love interest Deeksha, which is accepted by them. Further, for his family's safety and protection, a Nurse named Yasmin had been sent with him.

Meanwhile, Lieutnant Ranveer leaves a report of the surgical strike attack by stating, "We received "very credible and specific information" about "terrorist teams" who were preparing to "carry out infiltration and conduct terrorist strikes inside Jammu and Kashmir and in various metros in other states". The Indian action was meant to pre-empt their infiltration. It is a preemptive self-defence against terrorism, striking against terrorist infrastructure along with "those who are trying to support them."

Varun learns about this news through Whatsapp. While travelling in the train, he sees his family photo consisting of his grandfather Vijayaraghavan, his father Colonel Rathnavel and elder brother Chaitanya. He recalls about his family and love interest Deeksha by closing his eyes.


(The story follows Viewpoint Narrative mode. Means that, the events are narrated by the Character Varun Krishna.) 

My family consists of Army officers, except my grandpa. Because, the Army Regiment started from my father Vijayaraghavan. Since childhood days, he was passionate to join Indian Army, despite the oppositiins of my Grandpa. He served as Major for two years and worked as General for three years.

While working as General in Indian Army, he had been sent to Mumbai during the 2008 Attacks for executing Operation Black Tornado. However, the day eventually became a black day in our life. Because, my father eventually lost his life while doing the rescual mission near to Taj Hotel of Mumbai.

The shocking thing is that, "Terrorists(Jihads) didn't even spare anyone, including a small child around the age of three to four years." My father's death didn't influenced or striked my mind much. But, the death of a small child in that attack, didn't give me peaceful sleep the whole night. At that age itself, we developed the spirit of Patriotism and were keen to sacrifice our lives for the nation's welfare.

Even my elder brother was in the same trauma. That trauma have completely changed out our mindset. Since after my mother died(due to pregnancy complications after my birth), our grandpa raised us. He is strictly against joining the Indian Army. Because he feared that, we might lose our lives like our father.

Years passed as such. We have to face too many challenges and problems in our life. Chaitanya joined Indian Army despite facing severe oppositions from my grandpa.

Chaitanya changed his mind using convincing words from Bhagavad Gita. Because, my grandpa loves so many quotes from Bhagavad Gita.

"We can sacrifice the objects of our senses, by withdrawing our attachment to them; we can sacrifice our breath through breath control. In the new discipline of action (karma yoga) the Gītā is laying out, we can offer the results of our actions to the deity." This convincing words made my grandpa to accept his requests and he eventually joined the army. At that time, I was second year college student.

My passion and dream was also the same. To join in Indian Army and serve for our nation. I took training from NCC camp, took up vigorous exercises and sports to take care of my health and body fitness. In college, I didn't interact much with my friends, as compared to my school days.

A girl named, Deeksha was the only girl, to whom I talked much in college days. She is a Brahmin girl and was raised up by her father, a widower and the sole-breadwinner of the family. I supported her in everywhere, noting down her complexity that, 'Her mother is no more.'

After some days, she proposed her love to me and I was taken aback initially. I rejected her love almost, due to my busy works for Indian Army. But, one day, I came across a quote in Bhagavad Gita stating, "Krishna starts His message of love by enlightening Arjuna: "We are all souls, spiritual beings (Gita 2.13), entitled to rejoice in eternal love with the supremely lovable and loving God, Krishna." When our loving nature is contaminated by selfishness, we start loving things more than persons, especially the Supreme Person. This misdirected love forges our misidentification with our temporary bodily coverings and impels us to exploit others for our self-centered desires."

I realized that, "True Love is equally important, despite our duties to do sacrifice and service for others." We both eventually fell in love and our relationship grew stronger day by day. I completed my degree and was waiting to join Indian Army, having completed my medical tests, exams and training.

Everything was going fine including my career, until a tragedy broke out in my house on 9 June 2015.

Indian Army had conducted a cross-border operation against insurgents belonging to NSCN-K. According to India, the operation took place in Myanmar and it was in response to ambush of Indian Army convoy of 6 Dogra Regiment in Chandel district of Manipur. Indian officials said that they had crossed the border and inflicted significant casualties against the NSCN-K.

According to Indian media reports, around 38 insurgents belonging to NSCN-K were killed during the operation. The operation lasted around 40 minutes. Among the officers of NSCN-K, my brother was also one among them. My grandfather was terribly broken to learn that, my brother lost his life in the mission.

One of the officers told that, "Even before dying, he thinked about India and uttered Jai Hind, till he had left his last breath." Until then, I was left with tears in my eyes. Then, I firmly stood up and gave a big salute to my brother for sacrificing his life.

My fire to join Indian Army increased, with much more hatred for Terrorisms and Jihadis. Due to my busy schedules, Deeksha felt the impact of being alone and feared that, she would lose me forever. My grandpa now changes his mindset completely. He have now motivated me to join Indian Army.

Days started to roll and one day, Deeksha met me. We both had a huge argument. My consoling words didn't worked out with her. Henceforth, I assured her that, "I would come back to meet her once, I am back from Indian Army." My true words didn't get fulfilled. Because, I wasn't let from Army so easier. She didn't contact or chatted with me, till now due to my false words, that happened due to the tight circumstances.

(The Viewpoint Narrative mode ends here.) 


At present, Varun Krishna reaches his house in Coimbatore along with the Nurse Yasmin. Because his grandfather is ill and have to be under treatment.


As he sits in the sofa after refreshing himself for two days, he suddenly hears some news about Army from his nearby house. He henceforth, switches on the TV and learns, "Rumours are spread about Surgical Strike on September 30."

But, Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said that, "There had been no aerial strikes and that the operation had been conducted "on the ground".

Even Ranveer Singh reports that, "His Pakistani counterpart had been informed. The Pakistani military said the DGMO communications discussed only the cross-border firing, which was part of the existing rules of engagement."

Pakistan denied that such surgical strikes occurred. The Inter-Services Public Relations said that there had been only "cross border firing". Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the "unprovoked and naked aggression of Indian forces", and said that Pakistani military was capable of thwarting any attacks by India.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said that the UN Observer Group in Pakistani Kashmir did not directly observe any "firing across the Line of Control" relating to the incident. The Indian envoy at UN Syed Akbaruddin dismissed this statement, saying "facts on the ground do not change whether somebody acknowledges or not."

Seeing the problems that is happening in the country about the surgical strike mission and the rumours spread by Indian media, a frustrated Varun goes back to Indian Army and leaves a report about the mission during that day in the New Delhi Ministry office, surrounded by Army officers, Media people and few government officials.


On the night of 28 September, the commandos leave for the strike in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir in Mi-17 helicopters. During the mission, Varun's helicopter is forced not to cross the Line of Control due to the latest intelligence from spies in Pakistan that the Pakistani Army has deployed an "AWAC" Early Warning Radar-based Surface to Air Missile system in Muzafarabad sector to bring their helicopter down. He and his team improvise by going on foot through a cave (which was very risky due to darkness and the unknown presence of other terrorists). His team successfully infiltrate and kill all the terrorists on the two launchpads. Similarly, other commando teams also manage to kill all of the terrorists. Varun kills Idris and Jabbar, who are the perpetrators of the Uri attack. The local police are alerted, and the commandos who are low on ammunition and time escape. On their way back, they are heavily rained down upon by gunfire from both a nearby machine gun bunker and a Pakistani Air Force Mi-17 Helicopter, which was scrambled to intercept Varun's team. Flight Lieutenant Seerat comes to their rescue by firing back at the Pakistani gunship, thus driving it away and eliminating the machine gun bunker. His team successfully crosses LoC on the Indian side with no casualties. The rest of the assigned teams are also successful and are back with no casualties.


As Varun have clearly told everything that happened in the Surgical Strike mission, everyone praises the hardwork and sacrifice made by Indian Army, including the Prime Minister, who comes up in the line through phone call.

A Pakistan minister sits frustrated upon seeing the news of India's successful Surgica strike mission, wailing for the failure of the rumours, that they have spread to the world counties.

A slowly recovering Varun's grandfather feels proud about this and he goes near to the photo of his son Vijayaraghavan and grandson Chaitanya. To their respective photos, he ties back the great Paramvir Chakra award, which was to praise their sacrifice for the nation's welfare. When it was given at first, he refused to tie the award to their photos and kept it asides.

He finally, salutes for their photo. After a few days, Varun meets Deeksha in her house and tells to her father, "Uncle. I loved your daughter a lot. I equally loved to serve our nation also. But, I didn't expect that, she would be sensitive about this. I won't go away from her hereafter. I would always be with her."

While he was speaking itself, he hugs him and tells, "I too initially misunderstood about your craze for Indian Army. But, now I understood why you was doing such a great hardwork. She is also waiting for you, many days. Go and see her pa."

He seeks his blessings and proceeds to meet Deeksha. To her, he tells: "True love is beyond everything Deeksha. I have gone for miles to reunite with you. I realized the true meaning of love, when I was left alone without you, Deeksha. I am sorry."

Deeksha emotionally hugs him and tells him, "I love you da. I love you."

"The only way you can conquer me is through Love and there I am gladly conquered. I love you Deeksha." Varun said to her.


From the Day 1 of the duty till now, Indian Army is successful in fulfilling their duty with sincerity and dedication. They have successfully fought Kargil War, Sino-Indian War, Operation Polo, Operation Vijay, Operation Blue Star, Operation Countdown, Operation Whitewash and Operation Bandar. 

Dedicated to all those sincere Indian Army officers, who worked and served for the welfare of our country. Jai Hind!(Victory to India)

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