Jawahar Lalla

Romance Classics Inspirational


Jawahar Lalla

Romance Classics Inspirational

The Time to Return

The Time to Return

2 mins

Good Sunday - Funday Beautiful Souls.

We all have to run our own race in our life then why comparison, envy, jealously with others.

Life is beautiful, but not easy to follow. There would be ups and downs, successes and failures at every step.

We would certainly never be adequate for others, if we are not reasonable enough for ourselves.

After ageing 50 plus bracket it's time to settle down introspective ourselves, mentor youngsters and give back the opportunity to return some thing back to society. Its time to return.

I recall a famous story of great writer #Tolstoy titled time to return back.

A man went to the king. Said he was poor, he has nothing, he needs help. The king was generous. He asked: What help is needed?

The man said: a little plot of land to survive.  

The king said: Come here tomorrow morning at sunrise. Run as far as you can run, that whole plot is yours. But remember, from where you start running, you have to come back by sunset, otherwise you will get nothing!

The man was happy and excited. He started running at sunrise, kept running and running; the sun had climbed overhead. . but the man did not stop running a little more hard work then rest for whole life!.

Evening was about to come and the man remembered, he has to return, otherwise he will not get anything! . He saw he had come far away now he had to return but how would he return. The sun was above to set the man had full breath, he could have returned, but time was passing fast, a little more strength to be put, he started running at full speed, but now he felt tired, and he fell dead!!!!

The king was watching it all. He went with his ministers, where the man fell on the ground and looked at him carefully and said:

This man needed only few yards of land. Why he was running so much without any reason!!!!?.

Now lets imagine ourselves by putting our self in place of that man, are we all not making making the same mistake again and again in our journey. We don't know the limit of our desires. Our needs are limited, but our desires are infinite!. Our greed is killing us. We do not prepare to return in the contentment mode and leave the desire of acquiring more and more and when when we realized, it is too late in our life journey.

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