Naila Hina

Children Stories Classics Inspirational


Naila Hina

Children Stories Classics Inspirational

The Truth of A Challenge!

The Truth of A Challenge!

2 mins

Once upon a time there was a peasant who always used to complain to God that God does not care for his children coz he used to work so hard in his fields, plough the field, sowing the seeds, watering his crop and harvesting it and God changes the weather sometimes he does not send enough rains, sometimes he sends too much sunshine, sometimes hail storm due to this his part of crop got wasted . One day God send one of his angels to him and Sage told him that from now on he will have weather like he desirers .

The peasant was very happy and he sowed potatoes in his field. now he has the power of God and he used it power to control the weather when ever he wanted he had rained, he did not allowed hail storm or to too much sunlight .

When time came to harvest the potatoes, he went to field happily and started digging the field and he was astonished to find none of the potatoes swelled, he was ruined. When he saw same Angel coming to him he told him about his woes, The Angel smiled and gave him a cocoon peasant saw that a butterfly was struggling to get out of it, he felled pity and he very carefully peeled the cocoon.

Sage smiled and told the Farmer to look carefully, a beautiful butterfly came out but it died soon because it cannot fly. Peasant looked at the Angel questionably and asked what happened .Angel smiled and told the Peasant actually he unknowingly did not helped the butterfly you killed it, struggling to come out of cocoon is necessary part for butterfly, it helps the butterfly wings strengthen and as he did not allowed butterfly to struggle it was born with weak wings therefore it could not survive and in same way his potatoes did not grow because harsh sunshine or hail storm strengthens the plants and because he did not let his crop to struggle therefore it did not grow.

Angel smiled and told the peasant if life gives us a hard challenge we should not ask God to take away that challenge ut instead we should ask God for more strength because its tough challenges in life which makes us strong and confident or else we will have same fate as that butterfly or potatoes because All forms of life demands endeavors  because The harder the endeavors, the more glorious the Jubilation and once all endeavors is grasped, marvels are possible   

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