palak Inde



palak Inde


This Feeling

This Feeling

6 mins

Sumit was singing the song 'This feeling'. When Ishita came, she just listened to lines, "I tell you all my secrets and you tell all your friends." Ishita was just passing from there. She took it as a taunt. She left teary-eyed. Sumit saw it. He wanted to say something but on the other hand, he remained silent. On one side, he felt sad that she listened only to those lines and got hurt. On the other hand, he was happy as hurting her satisfied his ego.

Sumit was not like that.

Even his friends used to say," You have changed Sumit."

He only had one answer," when people can change with time, why shouldn't I?"

Everybody knew whom he was talking about. But his friends felt better to maintain silence. They didn't want to ignite the fire of revenge, that was burning inside him.

Even Ishita was not like that. Even she changed. Maybe she just changed herself or the time and situations had changed her.

Sumit and Ishita were best friends. They knew each other since standard 9th. They were neighbours, classmates and benchmates too. Both had taken the same subjects just to remain close to each other. Ishita liked the medical line, so Sumit opted for medical. Although he was not that sort of guy. He loved singing, he was even afraid of injection and he could easily faint seeing blood.

But, love has powers you know, magical one, that could easily convince you to do the things that you loved to stay away from. So he was there. He not only opted for the same field, but he also started having coaching at the same centre, where Ishita was going. 24 ×7, they were together. They were together in school, then on coaching classes, and, they could study together at home also. Whenever he had any doubts ( which he usually had as he was not interested in science) he came to Ishita. Those doubts were just excuses to remain close to her.

Naina, Ishita 's sister, always envied them. She also liked Sumit. But, the only barrier was he always prefer Ishita over her as they both were classmates and Naina was a year older than Ishita. So, she was his senior. He had never seen her with that eye, his eyes were always on Ishita. Naina was always busy in impressing and this had affected her studies too. So she failed in her 10th standard. She passed her 10th standard along with Sumit and Ishita.

They all opted for medical together. She opted medical because of Sumit. She was always jealous of Ishita because of the same thing. She felt ignored when all three of them were together. Her feelings for Sumit grew day by day.

Sumit burnt himself in that fire of anger.

Ishita buried herself in those tears remembering their budding love.

Sumit destroyed himself, his happiness, his love for her, everything just in one go. Ishita let that feeling go off her hands just the way those tears left her eyes.

He was just about to purpose Ishita in a day or two. Sumit was lost in his thoughts. He got to know that someone was spreading the rumour that he was having aspermia.

(Aspermia is the condition where the man cannot produce sperms )

He got shocked, whom it could be? He didn't even have that big fight with anybody. This arose the question directly at his manhood.

He came to Ishita to talk about that, she was not known to that rumour. She was holding some files. She was about to submit it to the head intern. She asked for his help. When she gave him the files, the files fell down. He got sight of one file, which clearly mentioned that he was having aspermia. He took that file and dragged Ishita to one side. He was so furious that he didn't even know what he had spoken to her ?? He was just asking for an answer, how she got that report and she could only say " I don't know."

He even held her shoulders tightly and his fingers were so pressed that it got to print on her shoulders. She had seen his that face for the very first time. She literally doesn't know anything. He broke all his ties from her.

He once told her that he thinks he was having some problem with his penis( he was kidding).

At that time, he didn't knew that Ishita could take that joke so serious.

Everyone started making fun of him and their friendship. She tried several times to contact him but he disapproved her each try. She also got fed up of his attitude. So she also wore a face of careless. Both were hurt deep inside but none of them knew the whole truth.

She was hurt that they all were making fun of him, for no reason and he was blaming her for that misunderstanding.

Although it was cleared that those reports were fake. He was not having aspermia. But, still, Sumit and Ishita got separated.

But, their true friends still tried them to patch up but nothing worked. After that, they decided to sort the matter. They thought to clear the confusion as the very first step. They told Ishita about the purpose plans of Sumit. She was amazed and thought then what happened wrong??

They all came to knew that he asked Naina 's help in this. Ishita knew about Naina 's affection towards Sumit as they both were sisters.

She felt it as a stupid step taken by Sumit. Sumit was unknown that Naina also liked him.

She got doubts on Naina. When she investigated the whole scene, she came to know that it was Naina, who created fake reports. It was like she played dual play card.

On one side, they both got misunderstanding and they broke up. And, she prevented him to purpose her.

But, Ishita chose to remain silent about Naina's evil plans.

When Ishita came to knew about all of this, she started doubted herself. She failed as a best friend, as a sister.

She carried her careless expression on her face and went. Their friends made some excuse and locked Sumit in a room where Ishita was already waiting for him.

He got furious seeing her, " What the hell are you doing here ?? Why are you here?"

"Wait. You would come to know in a bit. "

She took out a red rose and purposed him.

" So Mr Sumit Aggarwal, my ex-best friend, ex because we had broken up because of a misunderstanding, who was recently caught in the case of having aspermia, who blamed me for that because I was carrying that fake reports......"

He cut her short as he got angry when she started the topic again.

"Mr, Sumit Aggarwal, I want to ask you a question. May I ?"

He reluctantly replied," Yes."

"Do you ask the patient's family members before doing the diagnosis?"

"What rubbish? Why would I need to ask his family members? Patient came to me only so that I could treat him or her. And, for that, I need to know from which disease he is suffering. I won't consider his family members while doing the diagnosis. But, I would surely consult them while giving the treatment."

"I expected that answer only. Then, why do you ask my family members before doing my diagnosis? Couldn't you ask them directly while giving me the treatment."

"What are you saying about? When had I done your diagnosis and which treatment are you talking about ?"

" Didn't you asked my sister before purposing me? Didn't you ask my sister to help you? Couldn't you had done my diagnosis directly??

Mr Sumit, would you like to give me a chance to bear your baby in my womb ."

" What ...??"

She proposed to him and hugged him so tightly that he could say a No.

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