Together Forever

Together Forever

3 mins

Jiya anxiously rubbed her hands. Her hands were sweating profusely. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in the traditional attire of a bride. She was soon going to be married to Rahul, a guy of her father's choice. Her father was a strict disciplinarian who was not at all concerned about Jiya's wishes. Jiya had always loved Jai since she had started understanding the meaning of love. They were neighbors and childhood sweethearts. When Jiya was in the tenth standard, Jai's father got transferred and they shifted to some other place. Jiya could never forget him even though 10 long years had passed by.

Now her parents wanted her to marry Rahul. But how could she when she was in still love with Jai? Jiya opened her cupboard and pulled a small envelope out. It was her appointment letter in a firm in Bangalore. She had hidden it from her parents as she knew they would never allow her to go to Bangalore as preparations of her marriage were going on. But for Jiya it was her last chance to escape from lifelong captivity in the name of forced marriage.

She knew if she runs away from her house she will never be able to return. Her parents will never forgive her bringing upon shame to their family name. But for Jiya it was now or never. She had to make a really crucial decision that was going to decide the course of her future life. She chooses to fight for her love, for her dreams and to marry the man she loved. She changed her bridal dress and escaped out of the backdoor. She knew it was a very bold decision but she had to take it to save herself from lifelong persecution. She didn't step back to think about whether it was right or wrong. It was the only choice she had. She had to fight for her love.

By the next morning, she had reached Bangalore. She freshened up in the ladies waiting room at the railway station and changed into a formal attire. She brimmed with excitement as she stepped into her new office. She had to report to her boss before taking charge. She pulled out her appointment letter from her bag and knocked at her boss's cabin.

"May I come in, sir?" Jiya asked.

"Yes, please." I came to a brisk reply.

"Good morning si...!" Jiya said smilingly as she stepped inside the cabin. But her face became flushed and the appointment letter fell out of her hand as she saw her boss.

"Oh ! Jiya," Jai rose from his chair and walked towards her, "I've been looking for you everywhere. And look you are finally here. What serendipity!"

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