Er. Prakash Majhi

Children Stories Comedy Inspirational


Er. Prakash Majhi

Children Stories Comedy Inspirational

Victory Over Fear

Victory Over Fear

3 mins

           We have heard many proverbs about the triumph of religion, the triumph of truth, the triumph of karma. But the triumph of fear is something different to our ear. But it is absolutley true .... Such an unforgettable event was unleashed; In our village. In fact, it is still in my mind's eye. It really was a great experience in my limited life.

          I eat my mother's handmade sandwich and drink a glass of water. Suddenly a phone call came from an unknown number; I received. Hey you forgot the whole village; To all of us. Pran Nana is with me. I don't know where he heard it from. But he told me he hadn't seen you since yesterday. Come to our house; Mother asked, "Who is it?" - Paulasti: - Yes, your sorrow and happiness are not over now. Day and night will be the same when you combine souls, stones and revelations. Where are we going to eat rags ..... I have now eaten a sandwich; I turn around a bit; I'll eat rice later. With that, I hurried to Paulsti and Prana Nana.

          Meeting friends after a long time; We were blinded by each other. We talked a lot about how much we talked to each other, good and bad, the traditions of the village. Paulasti and Prana Nana said a lot and I did too. I was gone many days later; So my mind is heavy to visit my village; So I told them to come back to the playground. The playground is located near the school in the outskirts of our village. In front of field is a wide-eyed thunderbolt.

          As the conversation unfolded, Paulasti suddenly caught sight of the green crops field. He said; Let's go back to the rice fields in our village with the three of us. It was fascinating to see the fields; How a special feeling arose in my mind. I was attracted to her. The three of us now headed for rice field.

           In rural life, fishing is a popular choice. A boy named Baishakhu is fishing in a small stream of water coming out of the rice field. Suddenly his hand enters a hole in the hole and catches the fish. After catching some fish, his interest grows. He again enters the hole in the hole. Suddenly a crab grabbed him by the arm. As a result, he can't get his hand out of the hole. No sense in telling him now - he didn't know what shall he do. When he tries to get his hand out, the crab grabs him by the jaw. Seeing this, the three of us gave a lot of advice but to no avail. On the way, a cowboy named Sapna was carrying a basket. "Hey brother Sapna, how can you save me from here?" What did Sapna think? Suddenly, with a stick, he struck him on the back, and in fear of the blow, Baishakhu forcibly pulled her hand out of the hole, and the crab came out. From here, we obviously revealed that a man can win in adverse circumstances and we learned always victory over fear.  

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