Dinakar Reddy

Horror Fantasy Thriller


Dinakar Reddy

Horror Fantasy Thriller

When your Manuscript talks

When your Manuscript talks

1 min

The old trunk box started moving at night. I woke up with fear. The box is kept in my bedroom recently.

I switched on the light but there seems to be an electricity outage. I switched on the torchlight. 

The trunk box opened itself. Old booklet tagged with "Haunted" name came outside.

Hello Author! Do you remember me? It asked. Fear passed to lungs I was unable to breathe properly. I am sweating heavily.

You never finished me. Whom can I haunt now? 

I tried to take it into my hand. But it moved up and down. 

I will finish you. Otherwise, you are gonna finish me now.

I took a matchbox and thrown a matchstick with fire towards it. It burnt and ashes flew through the window.

Now no one will haunt me. I said to myself before going to sleep again.

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