Why Always Me?

Why Always Me?

2 mins

Riya and Anvita are best friends since college and after few months into their job they planned a trip together. They were ecstatic to see each other after a long time. The thing about best friends is - once they start their chit-chatting, it is endless. Anyway, as usual their conversation started with sharing each other's problems. Riya was tensed about her low paying job and increased expenses so she enquired with Anvita "why is it that my life is tragic?

How do you manage to be this happy Anvita? Are you satisfied with your life?" Anvita being a calm soul, contemplated over it and said - let me tell you a story first. Have you ever got stuck on a traffic signal? Riya said - "Yes! Of course, many times" Have you ever wondered looking at the vehicles around that why few vehicles are ahead of you and few behind?

To which Riya replied in frustration "No!! Why would I? I don't even care" Why you don't care? After all, you're sharing the same road. "What nonsense Anvita, what is the point of doing that? I know everyone has a different destination to reach, why would we all be at the same point? some may have started for their destination earlier and some late and hence the difference"- said Riya.

"Exactly! Just like this road, is our life but when we start observing others more than focusing on ourselves we feel this insecurity that we're lagging, while in reality, we're not. We're just moving at our own speed. If you won't compare your life with others or envy their success, you'll have ample amount of time to figure out your goal and achieve them with all your focus and attention"-

explained Anvita...

Riya was spellbound to hear the simple analogy of the traffic signal and how beautifully her best friend explained her the secret of her happiness. Indeed many times we feel that why others have more privileges than us, why their life is better than us? Forgetting that there are few unlucky ones who are in a state worse than ours. Never envy others or their success maybe they started early! Even we can shine provided we learn from them instead of envying them.

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