Brandon Henderson
Literary Captain

"I knew who I was this morning, but I changed a few times since then." - Alice in Wonderland

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You always shoot for the stars. That way, if you miss, at least you are among those who shine.

I don't hate living. Life just makes me want to kill myself.

If it looks like a dick, smells like a dick, moves like a dick, it's a dick. It's her choice to let it fuck her.

Memories are like a reflection. You can only stand to see yourself in a shattered image

To caress thy ear with fancy whispers, thine tongue pulsating, tingles thy soul, dropping seeds of lustful intent. Cultivating fertal soil by tending to thy garden with ye utmost decernment, plowing with measured and skill strokes, so in proper season, behold thou bare ye sweetest of fruit.

Thou spirt warmth thy heart, so thy soul can stand the winter night asunder till morrow, to be blessed by the sunrise that is your smile, revigors thy being, Brung thy flesh to life, evermore.

"Though she be but little, she is fierce." - William Shakespeare

We are all performing on the grand stage in the theater before the masters of the universe. Only the narcissistic believe themselves to be the stars of the show.

We are all performing on the grand stage in the theater before the masters of the universe. Only narcissistic believe themselves to be the stars of the show.



