Utkarshini Singh
Literary Colonel

Once Benjamin Franklin rightly said, "If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." Following his words, I, Utkarkshini Singh started writing at a very early age but it was only in class VI I discovered my passion for writing poems and stories, weaving words to create magic. Following that... Read more

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“Under the hard chest of a soldier, beats the tender heart of human, filled with longing of love, sorrow and grief of loss. Under the skin of skilled hands of a surgeon, runs the blood of a human advancing through the veins of mankind.” ~ Utkarshini Singh

"It may be the martyrs who pave path for victories but it’s the men who are alive who walk onto it." ~Utkarshini Singh

“If hate is the love language of beloved, I wonder why I hear of sirens barring , guns unloading, bombs exploding, silent cries of despair & the lurking sound of grim reaper.” ~Utkarshini Singh

"It is difficult to imagine gospels around when you see the lucifer’s army marching aimlessly on trails to door of the netherworld." ~Utkarshini Singh

I don't aspire to be the brightest star in the universe. I'd rather be the most valiant woman who carries the brightest stars of the universe on her shoulders proudly. ~Utkarshini Singh

Peaceful days are never too many, but it's your call on how many.

I'm like a free glory bound bird in the open battleground of sky. If you'll dare clip my wings, I'll simply heal my broken wings and roar back ferociously for I'm a tigress. Now if you ask, who exactly am I? Then I'll tell you I'm a tigress with wings. If dare bound me, the more glory bound will I become. The more you cage my inner ferocious beast, the more will she leap. A tigress with wings.

I'm like a free glory bound bird in the open battleground of sky. If you'll dare clip my wings, I'll simply heal my broken wings and roar back ferociously for I'm a tigress. Now if you ask, who exactly am I? Then I'll tell you I'm a tigress with wings. If dare bound me, the more glory bound will I become. The more you cage my inner ferocious beast, the more will she leap. A tigress with wings.

इनतेज़ार के इम्तेहान में इत्तमीनान ही आज़माइश होता है।



