Literary Captain



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You were wrong...totally wrong.... I was mistaken ....completely mistaken... What was my fault? What was my guilt? You never understood the pain am going through just because you misunderstood me... You could have given me at least a chance to know what my mistake was...

You were my super fantacy... you were the one who gave me a new life. And you are the same one who made me to kill myself!

Independance... Independance... Yes, we got it! But what is happening in our society today? All our respected Women are independent? Why the freedom is still far away for so many women till date? Its the time to wake up... speak up... Join our hands... Celebrate our independance in all aspects.

Sometimes we expect more from our beloved ones... And we have to get hurt by doing nothing when we are in a great need. But what really happens in our life is that.., Sometimes we do not expect anything from some people... And they make us wonder by doing a lot without any expectations.

No happiness... No giggles No more hopes... No more dreams... Seems like I have forgotten how to smile... Seems like I have forgotten how to live... But it was not like this untill you went so far from me. My eyes used to sparkle because of your dreams... My herat used to pound because of your presence... But you could never understand my feelings! And You were never ever there for me!

Never stop your journey even though how much ever hurdles comes in-between... Dream of the day when the whole world hears you and the whole Universe supports you... The day when you can meet the most satisfied and happiest version of yourself...

I loved you a lot...But you didn't really deserve it... Am sure you never consider me as your own family... But I don't know why sometimes your smile melts my anger... And rarely I feel the warmth of your love.... Because I saw a mother inside you and which you were not!

How much ever hard I try to erase you from my mind... That much my eyes sees your face ... That much I ear hears your voice...

You need to travel a long way in the journey of your life... In order to meet with your life goals.... A loads of obstacles come in our route... Never stop... ! Because...., if you see only the obstacles and stuck there , Then you won't be able to see your path clearly.... Try to overcome those obstacles and keep going , Then You will reach your destination on time for sure!



