Mahrukh Bhuri
Literary Captain

Love creativity. Love art. Love life.

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Everyone wants something refreshing. For some what they are thinking for some what they are viewing for some what they are hearing for some what they are breathing for some what they are doing for some what they are feeling and for some what they are tasting...

Everyone wants something refreshing. For some what they are thinking for some what they are viewing for some what they are hearing for some what they are breathing for some what they are doing for some what they are feeling and for some what they are tasting...

Introspect and you shall find that seed hidden within you which when you flourish shall sprout the magic in you.

Make time for a PICNIC. All you need to do is ... Pick a spot Invite friends and family Come together Now spread your picnic basket In the open be Carefree and enjoy your time together.

When a volcano gets angry it erupts and spews. When Earth gets upset it quakes and cracks. When an ocean gets angry it churns waves of tsunami. When the Sun gets upset it spreads heat waves. Let's not make the environment angry.

During your vacation go visit the beach and enjoy music with waves, swim with fishes and come back with a dose of vitamin sea .

At times all you need is resilience like the small grass whose strength lies in bending with the wind and not resisting like the huge unbending Oak.

Let your smart work result into you having more leisure but do not let your leisure result into you working overtime.

My wanderlust is like poetry. At times take me down the memory lane, occasionally to places non-existent without lifting my foot and at times to see the places where I am unable to go...



