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sharanya r

Abstract Tragedy Inspirational


sharanya r

Abstract Tragedy Inspirational

5W + 1H

5W + 1H

1 min

Where do those places lie?

where peace rules -the land, heaven, earth and sky,

Where no enmity was ever there, will ever be there,

where no one has even heard of betrayal or being unfair. 

When will those times come,

When the sounds of violence will keep mum,

when every human will love the other,

when the signpost for peace shows, 'no need to walk further '! 

"Why does injustice prevail ?" Let this question arise when justice fails,

while the blindfolded justice doesn't feel the imbalanced scales,

while every other is busy to invoke pleasure for ones of their own 

While those above turn deaf only too soon.

Who is that one?

who says and follows the value of 'bonding is fun !'

who cares for all beings, 

who masters equality and respects others' feelings.

What will those morals now do - after being banished,

what are now famished 

What once lived with pride,

and now have no more strength to take the stride 

How will those good days come back? 

to his paradise of lack,

to this world which has lost the legacy of the brave,

to this place where the past has a permanent grave 

These are dreams, just far fetched thoughts,

with no hope for the past to be again brought,

but all this might also happen,

the day the world begins to end!

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