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Pratanu Banerjee

Inspirational Others


Pratanu Banerjee

Inspirational Others

A Beautiful Saturday Morning

A Beautiful Saturday Morning

1 min

Waking up early in the morning 

Started to meditate 

One hour passed by

Then went to walk in a park 

Observing the blue sky

Clouds floating around

Beautiful birds are singing

Without any wind

The green trees are awesome!

The bats are flying over the head

Hanging from the branches of the tall trees!

Stray dogs walking along with morning walkers, 

Many people are doing exercise!

The athletes are doing their morning routine workout, 

Some young boys and girls sitting on the benches

Some boys are playing guitar and singing!!

A wonderful musical atmosphere!

I used to play flute and harmonica in that park

I came back home!

Took tea and biscuit!

Exercised for half an hour!

Started practising the singing lessons!

Then practised dance also!

Went to bath and prepared myself 

Again for work-from-home!

Sharing these activities as poetry

Brings happiness to me!

Do you know what brings peace and happiness to you?

Can you explore yourself deeply?

Write blogs daily!

It will help significantly!

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