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A Paradise... A Dream?

A Paradise... A Dream?

1 min

Surrounded by murky waters,

Wading through the tangled seaweed,

I came out to a scene of otters,

Almost hidden by a bunch of reeds.

I climbed out and toweled myself dry,

Then looked up at the rising moon.

As fireflies lit up the night sky,

And a tree with a caterpillar in a cocoon.

Goodness gracious! Is that the sun?

Last I checked, it was 12 midnight!

I must have slept to wake up at 6:1!

It must have been that ‘cause now its daylight!

I took a deep breath and smelt just wildflowers,

Red and yellow leaves drifted about,

I wish I could have stayed there for hours.

At least, my sinus was finally out.

No more than what seemed like ten seconds later,

The caterpillar-turned-Butterfly appeared before me,

I followed it all the way back to the water,

And plunged into what now seemed a sea!

Suddenly I began to cough severely,

I opened my eyes; my face sticky with cream,

I jumped out of bed excitedly,

Only to realize it had been a dream!

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