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Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa



Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa




1 min

In the heart of Bengaluru’s urban sprawl,

I commit a crime, day after day's call,

A city once known as pensioners' paradise

Now suffocates, offering little hope and space

Pedestrians, the forsaken few,

Neglected, unwanted, lost in the view,

No footpaths, just chaotic streets,

Crossing's a dance with fate that defeats.

Each step, a Herculean test,

Navigating chaos, a relentless quest,

My pledge to walk, forsake two wheels' glide,

Two kilometers seem like an endless ride.

Nowhere to go, no respite in sight,

Trapped in this city's ceaseless plight,

Beneath the weight of urban lore,

A pedestrian's struggle, a silent roar.

Criminal I am, in this daily grind,

Caught in a city's neglectful bind,

Yearning for spaces to roam simple,

A pedestrian's tale, far away from home.

In this concrete jungle, a relentless flow,

Pedestrian woes in a city's shadow,

Whether it is Moodal Palya or M G road

The story is the same, sinister and bad.

Footpaths vanish, swallowed by greed,

Pedestrians stranded, aching in need,

To traverse the chaos, I dare to breathe,

In a city that's forgotten its humane sheath.

Yet in these streets, my spirit thrives,

A walker's resilience in daily life,

A silent rebellion, steps echo strong,

As pedestrians persist, against all wrong.

So, in this crime, a plight unveiled,

The pedestrian's saga, often curtailed,

In hopes that someday, the streets may sigh,

Embracing all who walk, under the sky.

साहित्याला गुण द्या
लॉग इन

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