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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Anikita Verma

Abstract Inspirational


Anikita Verma

Abstract Inspirational



1 min

Newly thoughts drawn that 3 characters play a gentle role in building our cosmos to a Long run - 

Love, ambition, poetry ..

Love- shaping Uh the way you've been loved by your loved ones and giving great odds to make it unique.

After all, there's no meaning of life without love ;)

Ambition- shaping your mind to drive to the best destination in your life. It doesn't matter if it's One or many. Correct ambition with desired efforts leads to success.


Poerty - Ok so there's a misconception that only rhymed songs are called poerty .But NO,

Poerty, Ay, is a broader term. It's basically something that we can imagine to build better perception, hence creating better future .. in short writings to hail success! 

(P.s. Your readings are your learnings.) 

Unleashing em and being juggler of the threes !

(Perception gained from the learnings of Ode to Indolence by John Keats. )

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