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Action Inspirational Thriller



Action Inspirational Thriller

Covered in Snow

Covered in Snow

1 min

A world transformed, a silent night,

Blanketed in snow, pure and white.

The earth adorned in a glistening coat,

As winter's touch wraps it in a remote.

Each flake unique, a work of art,

Falling from heavens, a fresh start.

A whisper of frost in the frigid air,

Nature's magic, beyond compare.

The trees, like sentinels, stand tall,

Their branches draped, a snowflake's fall.

In this frozen world, so still and hushed,

Every sound by the snow is shushed.

Children play, their laughter bright,

In the wintry wonderland, hearts take flight.

Building snowmen with button eyes,

Underneath the snow-covered skies.

A world of serenity, calm and slow,

A landscape draped in a soft, cool glow.

In every snowflake's delicate design,

A reminder of nature's grand design.

So when the world is covered in snow,

Embrace the chill, let your spirit flow.

For in this frozen, tranquil scene,

There's a beauty that's serene and clean.

The earth, reborn in winter's grace,

A quietude, a peaceful place.

Covered in snow, it's a sight to behold,

A world transformed, in silver and gold.

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