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Shivansh Yadav



Shivansh Yadav




2 mins

Discrimination, discrimination it can be of many types ,

It leads to conflicts and many dangerous fights.

Why do people discriminate against others,

But sometimes discriminators try to give them feathers.

Discrimination is in colour, religion and disability,

Why do people see the disability they should see their ability.

Many fighters who fought against discrimination,

If they wouldn’t exist there would be no objection.

Nelson Mandela, Raja ram Mohan ray, Annie Besant,

They eradicate the discriminatory tent.

Malala Yousafzai is very young ,

So also she fought against discrimination.

What are you being?

Do you know against discrimination there was martin Luther King?

Discrimination, discriminatory and inequality,

Are against humanity.

What is the judgement of you,

Humanity! Has been flying.

Bheem Rao Ambedkar also helped ,

He not even gulped .

Savitri bai Phule also fought against gender inequality,

And change the thinking of the society to maintain equality.

Doing for equality is the best,

Support discrimination the least.

Jyoti Rao Govindrao Phule helped her wife,

Really, he was very nice.

Discrimination is a shibboleth,

Don’t go to favouritism oceans depth.

Sojourner truth fought for gender equality,

She had femme fatale quality.

Comparison is dirt in the world that has to be removed,

It can bring a typhoon.

What is the benefit of this comparison,

Can it be on fashion?

My mind is exhausted of this,

Stop it l am requesting, please.

Discrimination can be stopped with your help,

We need people against discrimination in bulk.

Discrimination happens in many countries like North Korea,

More examples are Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and India.

Humans discriminate against each other to show or her big,

Why do they wear the inequalities wig?

Some people want to erase discrimination,

Can anybody understand discrimination’s definition?

Stop discrimination, 

Create equality junction.

Make a clean world without discrimination,

Make a good nation.

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