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Arihant Gupta

Fantasy Inspirational Others


Arihant Gupta

Fantasy Inspirational Others

Economics - A way of Life

Economics - A way of Life

1 min

Economics is a way of life,

Management of unlimited into limited,

A dare to face challenges,

And encash the opportunities.

It is as easy as a mysterious puzzle,

Combination of politics and policy,

A rare to race,

A loss to profit and so on.

It is a circular flow of income

Where income circles around,

Government to firms to households,

And to the rest of the world.

It has a vivid catch,

That is visible to commerce

but invisible to arts.

Freshers study microeconomics

But experienced do macro,

Factor income from abroad (FIFA) is a happy game but

Factor income to abroad (FITA) is an awful name.

National income is a wider show,

But domestic is a narrow slow,

Theory of consumer choice is noise,

We can say it is economics' perfect voice.

Economics is just amazing,

Even theory with a perfect phasing,

I think Eco is boon to the world and

It is only 2 years until I learned.

Eco is love of life,

Sharpest to the tip of knife,

I want to study Eco whatever,

I will not be wrong if I say forever.

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