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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

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Lonesome Night!

Lonesome Night!

2 mins

Sitting alone at dark night

With puffed up eyes

And shattered with lies

Observing the artifacts formed by stars

Wondering how can he give me these scars

Counting the stars spread over the sky so high

I was counting, how many times did he lie.

Astonishing enough,

His lies exceeded the number of stars in the sky so vast

His broken promises broke each piece of memory

Portrayed on the glass of my heart

Staring and sobbing

Crying and dying

The stars departed with teary eye

And then the night bided me goodbye

The first rays of sun produced a strange glare in my tears

Each drop of my bleeding heart began to shine like a diamond's sphere

Wondering the cause

I looked towards the sun with questioning clause

The moment I closed my eyes

Soul of sun came by my side

In my ears magical words it spoke,

"I can't be your companion like stars at night,

I cannot undo the promises he broke

I may not understand the height of your plight

But dear believe me,

There's no difference in the stars and me

Stars cried with you to share your pain

They identified the poison flowing in your vein.

Though they knew the cause of your suffering,

They couldn't do anything more than mourning

Their duty came to an end,

And now it's my turn to blend

Blend in the colours of your teary eyes

And to make you, your love's worth realise

You loved him with each ounce of your heart

And it wasn't your fault that you had to depart

It was destiny's call that didn't permit you to live together

It was God's order to take you in the sky high

And leave you alone to fight the stormy weather

But we, the messengers of god

Are here to make you aware of an unknown thought,

"The darkness of night complimented your teary eyes

And the stars helped you to count his lies

The brightness of morning brought a glare in your teary eyes

To make you aware 

That you are ready again to fight and soar high!"

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