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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Desiraju Durga Surya Sai Kumar

Abstract Tragedy


Desiraju Durga Surya Sai Kumar

Abstract Tragedy



1 min

We lost greenery,

We lost games there.

We lost meetings,

We lost the shade.

We lost that smile

We lost that age,File a case, file a suit.

Hire a lawyer and don the suit.

Walk with the cops in Khaki and boots.

Search for the lost age,

Search for that moment,

Search for that Smile

Search for that Shade.Where would we find em?

Where O' where?

Not in the forests,

nor under the stair!

Not beneath the sheets,

Not beneath the grass

where sat the smiling age!Lost in the Android were a million few.

When the moments sneaked

They smiled and waved and called

They jumped and rolled and did somersault

To grab your eyeballs so glued to the screen


Tired and worn, they faded from view. Neither the cops, nor the Lawyers

Could bring the moments back

Dipped and drowned into the tech

All let the moments go.

Virtual smiles and Virtual meets

Virtual became the age

All is just in a number of likes

That they perceive so real and great!Alas for the childhood, Alas for the smiles

For they never shall be the same,

They never will be missed

By the generation so obsessively selfie'd...

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