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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Sujata Dash



Sujata Dash


Mounds Of grief

Mounds Of grief

1 min

Beneath the facade of truth

falsehood abounds

sugar coated phrases trap often

take you for a ride...

drain you out of composure and smile

once my gullible self was badly caught in a maze

the noose tightened fist and no let off conceded

what oozed was lava of hurt

thus serene love got tainted

my naivety was taken for a ride

tender soul was crushed

such was the wicked act...

my viscera and core were ripped apart

why do people play with heart?

hurl abuse at the most fragile part

it was my fault perhaps

I failed to read between the lines

under crevices the hint of betrayal lay hidden

the tears i shed were no less than blood

the distraught I underwent left me in jitters

I have learnt lessons, become wise

I shall not be duped anymore

 nor be caught in love's whirlwind.

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