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Asha Renjith

Children Stories


Asha Renjith

Children Stories

On A Vacay

On A Vacay

2 mins

Oh! What a lofty morning to begin with, morning showers and the sun shining afterwards vacay are the best time to refresh, retain, to remember, recall, reinvent and to recreate all that is there within you. It is really necessary for all of us to be ourselves once in a while so vacay are the good options,

To be with your family or with your friends spending quality time without even looking back

Blessed are nature and blessed are those little creatures who roam around the flowers to drink their nectar, it's harvest time in Kerala, all greenery blossomed like a teenage girl of sixteen. All the birds are enjoying by flying from here to there with their chirping sounds made their presence high always.

It takes me to a voyage back to my childhood vacation time, it was a splendid experience.

We were free to dive into nature those days, from morning till evening wandering in search of new ideas, to explore the glorious Chalakudy river, its intoxicating mushy sides along which a small island "thuruth, stood by so beautifully, was a forbidden place then. Still people lived there happily with their tiny chores of simplicity. Even lights were dared and little lazy to enter that place, without any second thought we used to go there often, where I still remember that darkness under the heavy branched trees. Really a magnificent feel just like kumblakhan', a palace of curiosity and enthusiasm,

We explored like a mountaineer climbing to reach the mighty everest.

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