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angel karthika

Abstract Tragedy Classics


angel karthika

Abstract Tragedy Classics

Pain Is A Shadow

Pain Is A Shadow

1 min

Pain is a shadow that follows us around,

A heavy weight that drags us down,

A constant ache, a throb, a sting,

A reminder of the suffering life can bring.

Pain can be physical, a sharp and stabbing knife,

A burning sensation, a dull and endless strife,

It can grip us tight, and never let us go,

A torture that we endure, with every ebb and flow.

But pain can also be emotional, a heart that's broken,

A wound that never heals, a grief that's left unspoken,

It can be a loss, a failure, a betrayal,

A darkness that envelops us, and leaves us pale.

And yet, pain can also be a teacher, a guide,

A reminder of the strength that lies inside,

It can inspire us to rise above,

To face the challenge with courage and love.

not fear the pain we feel,

But embrace it as a part of what is real,

For it is the struggles we overcome,

That make us who we are, and where we come from.

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