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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

binay kumar

Abstract Classics Inspirational


binay kumar

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Peaceful Soul

Peaceful Soul

1 min

"I am a Peaceful Soul.

A child of God, The Ocean of Peace...

I feel myself with His peace every day

I radiate it to all souls on the planet.

Every soul is healed with His vibration

This world is a Peaceful World."

Love all, trust few.

Not everything and every soul,

is real and not everyone is true.

Yes, I'm a nice person, a nice soul,

but if you cross the line too many times,

everything can change very quickly.

There are three solutions to every problem

   Accept it, Change it or Leave it.

If you can't accept it, then change it,

   If you can't change it, then leave it.!

Happy are the souls

    Who takes life day by day,

        Complain very little,

            And are thankful for

    The Little Things in Life..

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