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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

kavita saraogi

Comedy Classics Inspirational


kavita saraogi

Comedy Classics Inspirational

Sisters love undefined

Sisters love undefined

1 min

Never underestimate the relationship of a sister,

 because she can be a mother,

like a protective cover,

 and she can be a friend,to hide all the duffer,

and she can be a father to spend for us all the expenses,

 and she can also be an Ocean to take all the sorrows!!

When she is good she is good and when she is bad she is worse

 if you are doing something wrong then she might be a curse,

 if you over spend she can pull your purse,

 and can complain on dieting people so that they pull your ears,

and while doing all this thing she might also be in tears!!

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