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Lakshmi Yasaswini

Others Abstract


Lakshmi Yasaswini

Others Abstract

Smart Phone Addiction

Smart Phone Addiction

1 min

It's just like a universe in hands

Had so many variations and brands

Changing according to trends

And showing off to the friends.

We, sometimes browse and text

Clicking new pictures on Snapchat

Checking the gallery for pics to edit

Finally, dabbing the accept button to post.

Likes, comments, mentions, and shares

Are the only things that we really do cares 

Slowly, we fall into a pit of smartphones

Until no one remains to listen to our talks.

It just fits like a right glove to the hand

We are trying to google on how to be loved

Isolates us and takes away from the crowd

All we do is look at the screen, laugh aloud.

After all, now we get easily bothered

At everyone for making us disturbed 

From looking at the photos shared

Indicated that we all are now addicted.

There was a time when people do gather

At a place for chit-chatting with each other

Now, facetime, video chat came to picture

No one seems to travel to really be there.

Ignoring the near and dear

Texting those who are far

Addicted to the smart world.

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