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Abstract Inspirational Others



Abstract Inspirational Others

The Elder knows the road better

The Elder knows the road better

1 min

"The Youth can walk faster 

But the elder knows the road better"                                                                                                

Think twice before 

You go against your elders;

you might be going thru pain 

and temperament strain 

Or the lack of acknowledgement

Of Many things they say.

Remember they walked the road

You're in; many times, 

You may think you know ways

Of coming out of it Faster and better. 

Even think that they even don't know a thing.

Remember this and this Alone 

when you think of someone older than you 

As a fool or someone who knows nothing 

"That The Youth can walk faster 

But the elder knows the road better" 

The elderly ones are mostly more knowledgeable 

And more experienced than the younger ones.

we should respect our elders, 

obey them, and listen to their good advice 

because they have more experience 

with this life than we do.                                                                                                            

  so always remember in life                                                                                                       

  "The Youth can walk faster 

But the elder knows the road better"

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