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The Hidden Beauty - Nature

The Hidden Beauty - Nature

1 min

We have to do this, We have to do that
Something or the other every time
Not ready to spend even a single minute from our precious time
To observe something mesmerising which touches our heart
Something which is around us everywhere
Something we see but never appreciate.

Where there is lush greenery
Where you find flowers blossoming
Where you see birds chirping
Where you find peace and tranquility
Something as beautiful as anything
Our beloved nature!

We appreciate everything
The ugliest of the ugly
The smallest of the small
But when it comes to nature
We are all silent and mute
No one wishes to appreciate it
Even when it’s the best thing of beauty!

Let us together appreciate it
Let us together appreciate something worthy enough
Appreciate it by caring for it
Appreciate it by preserving it
And appreciate it by believing it to be heaven on earth.

Let us see nature as we have seen it like never before
Let us feel its essence
Before all of it vanishes by human greed
Let us for once appreciate the hidden beauty - Our beloved nature!

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