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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

The Inner Battle

The Inner Battle

1 min

The sleepless night is not over yet,

The veins run riddled with toxic madness

Feeble hands, deceased mind, forgotten smile..

Behind the Mask,

Crave for a lusty fight!

Besieged, a prisoner of my own doing

A faded memory, a child’s toy,

Attempts to escape the brutal reality

For in tears, I seek for a momentary joy!

As the rays of the sun hit the eyes

Hopes stimulates for a new dawn!

Being Greeted by an unforgiving sun,

My reality befriends me,

Darkness chasing like the bees..

The inner air echoed a voice,

It has not been a good run!

Proud existence, or just fun?

Confusions rooted in an unanswered question,

Whose answer I never wanted to hear!

The same makes me cry and watches me

walk without the shoes..

Is this the same life,

One day I prayed not to lose?

My Reflection screaming and wondering..

Could things have been different

If I hadn’t bowed to none?

My heart gives me an uncomfortable,

Truthful answer which my soul rejects

Because of words from the preacher!

No choice but to rejoice the curse,

Yet not that lucky to catch a ride

In a hearse,

Love can no more cease the strife,

I am flawed misfit, a mistake

In the game called Life!

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