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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Topsy Turvy Lives

Topsy Turvy Lives

1 min

If only we could all be like Benjamin Button

And Life were lived in a topsy turvy way ...

Starting with senility, Old Age .. and then

The enthusiasm of Youth, bright and gay!

Hair becoming black in hue from grey or white,

Teeth turning tougher, senses seeming sharper -

And finally with our flourish ending our lives

With Childhood's golden years, complete with a diaper!

Life getting better instead of worse, with all

The problems of the elderly finished with first -

Skin and muscles supple again, energy surging

thru' our systems as we for healthy times thirst!

If only all our lives had such contrary character

And we could all just travel backward in Time ..

If only our existence ends in such innocence,

How blissfully jolly we would be in our prime!

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