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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!


Romance Tragedy



Romance Tragedy



1 min

I didn't know you

Loved me already.

Both were going to

College together.

How much fun we had in

The Cinema hall and

Chat centre, I remember them.

Very much now.

Both of them talking

On my mobile.

Why did you not say

Anything at least one day.

After I went to my

Mother-in-law's house.

You made me cry,

I was very sorry to hear

From my friend.

If you loved me so much

You made room for me

In your heart.

Then tell me why you

Did not tell me.

How much I love you.

You were so scared

And so ashamed.

He was telling me

Everything. Why did you

Hide this thing?

If you had said without

Shame, "That I want to

Marry with you."

Then I'd receive you with a

Smile and adoration.

But not now, you missed

That golden opportunity.

I was waiting again for

The next generation...

Bye...I miss you.

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