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Drama Horror Romance



Drama Horror Romance

View From The Window

View From The Window

1 min

I'm in the bed with a fever, but the fever's not high.

Beside my bed is a window, and I like looking out at all that's happening around me.

The cherry leaves are turning dark green.

On the maple tree, winged seeds spin round and round.

There is fruit on the wild blackberry bushes.

Two mynah birds are building a nest in a hole.

They are very noisy about it.

Bits of grass keep falling on the windowsill.

High up in the spruce tree, a hawk cuckoo calls: 'i slept so well, I slept so well!'

When the hawk cuckoo is awake, no one else sleeps.

That's why it's also known as the fever bird.

A small squirrel climbs on the windowsill.

He's been coming every day since I've been ill, and I give him crumbs from my tray.

A boy on a mule passes by on the rough mountain track.

He sees my face in the window and waves to me.

I wave back to him.

When I'm better, I'll ask him to let me ride his mule.

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