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Mir Shaafe



Mir Shaafe


When My Dreams Got Snatched

When My Dreams Got Snatched

2 mins

Life is hanged and nothing more than smoke

is left in there.

The smoke from

burnt lives and heads, popping up

like the potent guys not willing to

smash up that soon.

Why my planet of dreams doomed

to end at once and like for all.

My lost heart beat comes to halt for

the candle of dark nights extinguished.

How can I pass over the fact that

age of dreams is only till the

single blink of eyes.

The star once glittered up in the sky

aspired me, is no more, for

it was arrested at its twink.

My days are enigmatic, for

the dawn I hoped for found an abyss.

My faulty stars, the tales are departed.

remained the tales far from realism.

I returned to the very first step from

where I started the journey.

why is time so vicious to me

and had been?

Longed to see my star the centre

of my own galaxy, revolved by

countless heads and hearts.


what I see is the deep ebony darkness.

Looked for my star a lot but,

couldn't locate it. is it out of sight

or I have lost mine.

my vision is blurred, ended its shine

but to my console, I can forsee

the materia prima to remake candles and

his inspiration enough to lit them up.

Wait a little , see the rising vivid

candles emancipating the universe.

Coz "this soil is enough fertile" to

bloom the daffodils which will aromatize

our souls , furnish decour to our dreams.

Obviously he doesn't make replicas.

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