Saanvi srivastava



Saanvi srivastava


3 Decades After Biological War

3 Decades After Biological War

4 mins

“The power of biological weapons is ten times more than the nuclear power. Unless we act fast with an open mind, any one of them can extinct the human race.” So truly said Amit Ray, one of the renowned personalities. The pandemic which stuck three decades before had created a huge impact on people and their mindset. It made them close to their family. The crowd which did not have the time for their family was now sitting back and getting to know their family. Although many families have lost their loving ones and their bread butte, the ideology of life has changed. Twenty -five years back the pandemic was over but it created many changes both in the system and the nature and feelings of the people.

Let me start from the home as we always say change starts from home. People understood to give time to the family. Now the children didn’t have to keep with a babysitter. The people who used to spend more than half of the time outside their home due to work now gave most of their time to family. The pandemic taught the people that life is more precious than money. People accepted that a millionaire who earned money could not save his family so what was the use of being a millionaire. Now, parents teach their kids to value relations and people more than money.

If I talk about the environment outside the house, there is greenery spread all around the world. The technologies are developed and now people travel in the electric vehicle instead of petrol/diesel vehicle. The buildings have reached the sky and instead of individual houses, people live in buildings. Maids are replaced with fifth-generation intelligence robots. People avoid coming in contact with each other. Online shopping is common nowadays. People hardly go to stores to shop. Even the remotest area is easily accessible. Oxygen plant is present in every locality as well as in every building. Each colony has a medical shop and a hospital and a vehicle charging booth. The use of paper money has been changed in plastic money. The use of organic manure has increased in production. As a result, carbon footprints have reduced.

Now, the most important thing which carries the future of the world which is the study system that includes more online study than the schooling system. People prefer to be more of a technician than a doctor or having a high post in administrative services. Children hardly get any friends. They have robots by their side. Parks were there but now children don’t go anymore to play as they are too busy with artificial intelligence technology. The elderly only used the park for the morning or evening walk. The mindset of politicians has changed towards development instead of corruption.

The most important problem in the world when I was a child was the disposal of waste, but now this problem is solved and disposed of in a very clean manner. It does not now pollute the environment. The method of disposal has changed which has helped us to keep the country free as well as pollution-free. Tress are given more significance than their products. Solar panels are kept everywhere and the non-conventional source of energy is in more use. Now the non-renewable source of energy is preserved.

Something that has not changed is the devotion of people towards God. People start their day with God and they go to their respective holy places to serve Him. The zeal is instilled in the people that they had years before. They still respect their culture.

The age of darkness is changed to the age of greenery. Three decades have passed and now people have overcome that pandemic but it has shaken the life of every individual. Everything has drastically changed. Although that pandemic was over years back, the fear which was inculcated in the people remained. The result of the sustainable development and ecosystem restoration which was started three decades before is reflected in today’s world. The pandemic has left but the scars are imprinted on their heart which was difficult to remove. Now people are ready to face any pandemic.

Today, I am sitting on the balcony of my flat, sipping my Cappuccino enjoying the coolness of the wind. I see a new world which was like a dream of children like me three decades back and now I am living this reality. Though the pandemic had created disruption things have been changed for the better. 

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