Anushka Bhosale



Anushka Bhosale


A Birthday Surprise .....!

A Birthday Surprise .....!

4 mins

"What an idea! made it go easy. Yes, we will do this to surprise her." confirmed Meera. 

Meera, Vipul, Aakash, and Zaara were college mates. They knew each other since their first year in college. They were 'class-mates turned besties'. They explored places and adventured together. Meera was a born dancer, while Vipul was a traveler. Aakash was an ambitious guy who wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a successful civil servant in his life. On the other hand, Zaara, a simple yet very unpredictable and carefree girl. She never had any dream to follow. They all had their online association on a well-known platform. They posted various videos on it related to their visits to the famous malls, haunted places, etcetera.

It was September. Raindrops trickled down the metal panels making the atmosphere filled with various feelings. Somewhere, the friends felt the melancholy environment and began to plan something to make themselves happy. It was Zaara's birthday month. The other three began to plan something special. She knew that they were organizing a party but did not know what exactly would happen next!

Vipul had suggested that they all would message Zaara an amazing incident involving all of their experiences each day. They all were going to send nine messages all nine days prior to their friend's birthday.

On the very first day, Meera messaged Zaara how they met during a project and how they both succeeded in presenting the best work in front of their teachers. Zaara was surprised, ecstatic, and enthusiastic after this. 

Every friend messaged a memory each day until her birthday and made her feel nostalgic. But, each day Zaara's phone notified another message which seemed strange to her. But, she did not give that much attention to those chats. An unknown number messaged Zaara with...'Hey, do you remember how we used to fight!' or 'Those days were amazing!' and some other vague statements. 

Finally, the day arrived. It was Zaara's birthday. The three friends were excited to wish her and enjoy their night out. Zaara woke up early that day and saw that her mom kept a lavish dress ready for her. Her happiness knew no bounds. But... Her phone ranged in an unusual manner! She knew that her friends would prank her or do any such stuff to make the day even more momentous. 

The message read... "Meet me tonight at 10! "...But the sender was unknown. Zaara now wanted to know the truth. 

The four enjoyed the whole day. And finally, Zaara came home and rested her back upon the armchair to relax from all the fatigue. Then suddenly, her inner self made her feel nervous. And in no time she checked her phone again. 

She was invited on her terrace by that same person who messaged her these days along with her friends. 

She went there. But the terrace was empty yet seemed filled with some energy. There was no sign of human life there, but the sir whispered "Danger !" in Zaara's ears. And... a voice called her. She was totally perplexed as she felt the voice was somewhat familiar. 

She turned and.....was astonished to find herself right in front of her! And then that imposter splitter into another being. A young girl, maybe not in her teens appeared. Her face was bloody, her eyes had no eyeballs but only deep hollows. That girl cried inconsolably which seemed as if the drops of blood poured out of those holes uncontrollably....! She cried, " Happy birthday to you! A present from my side... An old memory to make you relive the past....!" 

Zaara was perplexed. She, now somehow recollected some events that occurred back on her trip to a haunted house with her friends. Zaara remembered how they all went in and made fun of the house, how they laughed and yelled insanely, and also how they challenged each other to stay there. Zaara remembered that this girl's picture was hung on one of the walls of that house! And here she was ..... to seek revenge.

The next day, Vipul, Aakash, and Meera met...but not to discuss their next plans or to hang out ..but for their very own Zaara's funeral! 

Zaara died that night, her birthday night due to a severe heart attack for the world! But, her death was what her destiny planned for her and maybe ....that was her birthday surprise to Zaara! This was nothing but a cycle so that the young girl could present each of the four friends a gift... an entry to her mystical and bloody world!

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