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A Broken Girl

A Broken Girl

5 mins

It is a 4 year old story, when she was in the 11th standard. She was a girl who was eagerly excited to get experiences in her life. She was a little pretty with a wonderful mind. She loved chaos in her life as she was always pretty confused about making decisions. In between, she got confused in social networking sites. She was damn smart with a beautiful heart but she had a crush on a man with dashing smile and personality who was in the same school and her class. He was tall and very enthausiastic. She was mad about him. He also started loving her and he sent a friend request to her and as soon as she got his request, she accepted. And the talks started between the two. They both started falling in love with each other, got indulged in each other. It was her first love but may be for the man also. As times changes, their bond got stronger. But she started getting a hangover in his love and was getting bad in studies. As she realised, she was going somewhere wrong, she told him to minimize their attachment and their talking hours. She was concerned for him and for herself. He got bored with her as the hours that they spent earlier was getting minimised. He started looking over other girls but when she noticed that she got angry and fought with him alot. He answered her as simple as no one can. He said "She is just my friend, You are forever, My Love". She got tears in her eyes and hugged him hard but the reality was different. As time was passing he was losing his feelings for her. One day they both met in a cafe and said "Baby, papa got transferred to Ajmer, We need to continue a long-distance relationship" she got ready to maintain a long-distance relationship. He said okay!! and off to Ajmer after some snacks and coffee. She missed him a lot like hell but after leaving for Ajmer he never called and messaged her. She was getting mad for a single call and message from him but she didn't get.

After a month, he finally messaged her "Hey Baby, I am sorry for ignoring you, but I got stuck in shifting and arranging the things". She got angry for a while but at last she turned out to love him. They talked for hours and hours. Finally, they both got the schedule for their 11th Exams. As he had shifted, he got some issues but they got it fixed by his father. She was concerned for him but as she heard it, she was happy. Both started preparing for their exams. As the result arrived, both secured good marks. Now, It was time for Senior Secondary School Examinations. They both knew that they need to work hard this year for getting a good college so their talks were getting lesser and lesser. And the man was starting to lose interest but she was getting more insecure for him. They met less but when they met they always fought with each other. The issue got raised as such that a gap started to develop between the two. And finally, they broked up with each other, both cried, both never tried to convince each other.

After a year, She texted him. "Heyy!! I am missing you". He replied "Don't try to message me further. Now I am committed to a girl". She was broken down like hell and never messaged him anymore. She got upset for the whole year and she wasn't able to get good marks in 12th boards. Then she entered college that was below her expectations but finally, she accepted the college. She got many friends in college. She forgot the thought of him but still sometimes she missed him a lot. As time passed, a boy had a crush on her. She knew that all the boys are the same but the boy tried a lot for many months, just to get a 'yes' from her. He made her feel special in every way and tried to make her fall in love with him. He got successful after a long term patience for her. At last, he finally proposed to her on Valentine's day and he got a yesss!!!.

Again, a love story started in her life but she feared losing that relationship as her previous one, her insecurity used to test the patience of the boy every time. She usually asked him to never leave her and everytime she got a positive reply. As time passed, they crossed half-year of togetherness. Both were fully indulged in each other. Everybody used to say 'they both are best couple' but no one knew how time changed and the fights started between the two. A small closeness of the boy with any girl made her insecure everytime. She started getting frustrated and she got mad at him. At last, he gave up on her frustration. She said "I am sorry.. You know what I have passed through, so I got insecure but he didn't hear and left by saying 'You didn't respect me ever and I have self-respect'. She cried but never looked back in her life. She tried to show herself as a strong woman to everyone but only she knew what she had passed through. She has changed and now she has a dream of becoming an IAS officer. Maybe she learned a lot in her life but her heart is broken. Now, she is not able to give her heart to anyone because it is already broked two times. All she has is an inspiration for a better future. She smiles but she is broken, intelligent, and experienced girl............

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