Ariyan das

Children Stories Comedy Inspirational


Ariyan das

Children Stories Comedy Inspirational

A Dangerous Day In School

A Dangerous Day In School

2 mins

It was such a terrible day of daring but my grit did not stop me from doing it.

It was the time when I was in class 3. On a school day, I was with my friends during the short break. They brought a lollypop for me. But, it didn't open. The next period was of the most strict teacher of our class. The lollypop opened. However, it opened when the short break bell rang. A short break was over and the third period was started. I thought that can I complete it before ma'am enters the classroom. I realized that I can't therefore, I kept the cover of the lollypop just below my desk in its a hidden rack which have cover from the teacher's side. Then, ma'am entered the classroom. I was frightened as she told us she would give us severe punishment. Thankfully ma'am wrote questions and answers to the lesson. I was writing as well as eating lollypop. When ma'am looked back to ensure everyone was writing I kept it on the cover so it remains clean, untidy, and edible. I saw my friends watching me but I requested not to say to ma'am.

I felt happy as I finished eating it and ma'am could not know about me if anybody will inform it now to ma'am break then I will say, "I was eating it during a short break and forgot to throw it." I hope it would not happen again or I will get caught as a supervisor sir is appointed he is always patrolling and have a sharp vision. At last, nobody told me about me. Finally, I passed my mission successfully.

We have to face the problem in a daring way but carefully.

It was too daring but I faced it confidently and overcame it. Although, it was terrifying my determination let me complete this mission.

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