Madiha Manzar

Drama Inspirational Others


Madiha Manzar

Drama Inspirational Others

A day in my life

A day in my life

2 mins

I took my brown coloured journal out as I sat there sipping coffee with banana bread at a serene beach facing cafe. I caressed the handcrafted pages gently and turned them until I found a blank page. I slowly drifted my eyes from my table to another and saw a family celebrating a child's birthday who was beaming with joy at the sight of a red velvet cake and was now busy blowing the candles. My thoughts were abruptly cut when the waiter brought the bill to my table and after that I got out of the place and started to enjoy the cool and gentle breeze.

A few minutes later, I saw a boy selling balloons he was constantly trying to get the attention of people so that they may buy from him and something clicked in my mind the child who was selling balloons and the one I saw at the cafe were of the same age and how contrasting or different their lives were that one thought made me want to do something. I went to the cafe once again brought a red velvet cake and walked towards that child. He innocently offered me a balloon but I told him to first look at what I have got. He looked bizarrely at me and was utterly surprised but I saw a smile forming and a nod that said 'thank you' 

I bought all the balloons he had to offer and started to walk towards my home for a moment I felt like turning and when I did, the contentment I found in that child's eyes while eating pieces of that cake was enough to make me happy. Later that night before sleeping I turned to that blank page again and this time I had a lot to write. After writing, I read the title 

'sometimes happiness comes from making others happy' I switched off the lamp and slowly drifted to sleep and all this time I had a smile on my face! 

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