Vandana Oke

Drama Tragedy Others


Vandana Oke

Drama Tragedy Others

A Pricey Dream

A Pricey Dream

2 mins

Everyone has dreams. Some dream with closed eyes while some work towards their dream with eyes wide open .... and so did Vikas. He was the youngest of his three siblings. His parents were in clerical jobs at the District Court. Apart from becoming a skillful lawyer, Vikas always dreamt of opening a fancy law firm. With his hard work and the right guidance of his parents, he acquired a first-class law degree. Soon he started working as a junior assistant to an eminent lawyer to gain worthwhile experience. But his dream never took a back seat.

He wanted to earn a lot more than he already was. Inadvertently, his dream was clearly turning into his obsession. And he became a criminal lawyer you don’t want to become! Along his journey, he met many influential and notorious businessmen as clients, and soon he was learning all the tricks of the trade. Over the next few years, he became an extraordinarily shrewd lawyer and had become renowned for defending these kinds of affluent and influential criminals. And soon, the day arrived when his dream was fulfilled and his so-called hard work had turned into reality.

Today was the opening of his own law firm. Many prestigious people had come to congratulate him on his achievement, but sadly, he was all alone in that crowd. No one from his own family was there. He never realized that over these years, all his near and dear ones had distanced themselves from him, and his wrongdoings. They had all told him, time and again, to take the main road.

They reminded him that even if main roads are busy and slow, they surely take to your desired terminus. But he chose to go down the slip road to success and he made his own wrongful pick. Vikas was self-possessed by his dream to discern what it had cost him in the long run- his family, his values, and of course, his conscience, which had died an ignominious and unjust death long back, leaving him hollow and lonesome.

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