A Trip To Shimla

A Trip To Shimla

4 mins

Anna, Sia, Fred, Harry, and Diva were besties of 7th grade in Hagthos International School. It was a sunny morning when the teacher came in to announce a trekking trip to Shimla. the class became very excited as it was their first trip from school. All of them decided that the first thing to do after they reach home would be to convince their parents for the trip. The next morning when they met, everyone was very excited to tell that their parents have convinced except Sia. Sia's mother had denied to go to the trip!! Anna was her best friend so she could not see her so sad. she requested Sia’s mother to let her go with them, and she was finally convinced. Sia was so delighted to hear this news. Her head was in clouds. They all started to pack for the trip. They began to count down days for the trip. Five…. Four…. Three…. Two…. One…. Zero!!!

 Finally the day arrived. They all gathered for the attendance in their classroom. As usual diva was late by 20 minutes! After Diva arrived, they all headed towards the bus. As soon as they sat on the bus, they all started playing games like an atlas, dumb charades, etc. As it was a long journey they all were tired sitting on the bus for so long. Finally, they had reached their destination, Shimla. It was very snowy over there!! The five were assigned the same room. As soon as they entered their room Harry was the first one to lay on the bed and switch on the TV. (He is really a couch potato!!) Sia sitting in a corner and wondering something, Fred asked her, “What happened? What are you wondering?” then Sia replied,” What if a lion enters here?” Diva said “think positive Sia, We are here to enjoy not to get scared! Sia says, “Okkk I’ll think positive!” Anna asks, “What will you think positive?” Sia responses “What if a ghost enters here!” Harry questions,” Was that positive? Sia says,” A ghost is better than a lion, it wouldn’t at least eat you up!” everyone says together,” nothing can be done.

 “The time passed on and the time arrived for which all were waiting, the night there was a party at night organized by the school which even had a dance competition and all of them loved to dance. There were five rounds in this competition. As being good dancers they managed till the last round, only the five of them were left, Diva announced amongst the friends that she is the best dancer and would defiantly win. Anna said,” may the best dancer win”. The results were out miss Toquer announced’ the winner is……….Sia!! (Sia was not expecting this to happen!) The second position goes to………Anna , the third position goes to……Fred , the fourth position goes to…….Diva, and the final, fifth position goes to….Harry. After the competition was over they headed towards their room. They had another party in their room but not too long as they were awake since the morning.

 The next morning, the teacher knocked on the door. Fred went on and opened it, the teacher said, “Today we have to go to the hills for trekking.” Harry said from behind,” ohh noo!!!” Anna asked, “What happened to you?” Harry replied,” I just lost my lucky socks, so I can’t go without them for trekking” Diva understood, “OH stop it I know you are too lazy but then you should have hidden it in a better place than under the couch!!”. It was finally time to go trekking!! After 30 minutes of trekking, Harry was too tired, he couldn’t even move one step forward! Then all took a break and found a corner for themselves and took some rest. They had some snacks and carried on to go up the hill. They kept on talking and climbing the hill. After an hour they were completed with the trekking. They got very tired after this much of adventure.

 They went back to the hotel and took some rest as had to leave the next morning! It was morning and time to go back home! No one wanted to go back home. They wanted to stay for another two days over there!! But what could be done, they had to back home. They sat in the bus and playing games. Anna said, “It was a really fun trip right, we had a lot of fun”. Diva said,” you are right, it was fun coming to this trip!!” And the bus stopped, they all saw outside the window, they were back to school!! Their parents were right there to pick them up, they all promised to each other that they will not forget their first trip together!!

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